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Counselling Workshops

The future is completely open and we are writing it moment to moment - Pema Chödrön
Counselling workshops can be phenomenal transformational tools. They generally are held over two days and offer an intensive course of accumulated psychological wisdom and learning that can transform your relationships, the way you parent, how you feel about yourself, as well as your overall approach to life. Most participants leave the counselling workshops feeling inspired to apply their learnings to their daily life, many realising that they are not alone with their concerns and challenges. My focus in the workshops is not only to share transformational tools but also to create emotional safety in the group so that learning and growth is encouraged. It is important to note that your personal work is private and is completed with your partner, or alone, depending on the workshop or task, and that any participation with other group members is voluntary. I currently offer two Couples/Marriage Workshops, two workshops for Parents (one workshop focussing predominantly on parents and teens) and a Mindfulness workshop. The dates of the workshops may change depending on what is best for the group.
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Getting the Love You Want - Couples Workshop

The workshop, “Getting the Love You Want,” (personally developed over a 16-year period), is based on the bestseller book by Dr Harville Hendrix PhD. Practitioners using this approach receive specialised training in powerful processes that have helped thousands of couples worldwide. It is available on 5 continents in over 20 countries. By the end of the workshop, most couples have a deep understanding of their relationship and each other and are inspired to continue using the skills they have learnt. Couples work privately, either alone or with their partner, depending on the task.

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Hold Me Tight - Couples Workshop

The principles of Emotionally Focussed Couples Therapy are experientially discovered in the Hold Me Tight Workshop. Emotionally Focussed Therapy is successful primarily because of its focus on a relationship as an attachment bond. The key to this approach is for partners to realise how dependent they are on each other for emotional support (in the same way as a child is dependent on a parent for comfort and nurturance) and to learn how to create and maintain a secure and loving bond with each other. Couples work privately, either alone or with their partner, depending on the task. 

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Hold Me Tight Let Me Go - Parent-Teen Relationship Workshop

This Parent-Teen program is based on the idea that securely attached families are possible, even during the stormy period of adolescence. EFFT is based on the theory of attachment parenting and is an experiential and systematic approach developed by Dr Sue Johnson that aims at building strong and cohesive families. The goal of this program is to help families repair, enhance and continually develop secure bonds within the family so teens can grow and go successfully and launch into the world connected to their family roots.

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Mindfulness Workshop

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing one’s attention to the present moment, purposefully and without judgement. The combination of the practice and the psychology behind mindfulness has benefitted hundreds of people, helping them better understand the workings of the mind and applying the insights into practice to create a more balanced life. Research has consistently shown that mindfulness is an important predictor of well-being and has been associated with higher levels of life satisfaction, more positive affect, less negative affect, and a greater sense of autonomy and competence.

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Connected Parents, Thriving Kids - Parenting Workshop

This programme is based on the best-seller “Giving the Love that Heals”, by Harville Hendrix, PhD and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD. It is a blend of Imago Relationship Theory, and the latest research in neuroscience and child development. It is structured to run over 8 weeks, or condensed into a weekend workshop, and is for any adult (parent, caregiver, teacher or professional) involved with children of all ages.

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Date TBC
Keeping The Love You Find - Singles Workshop

A key Imago principle states that human beings have an unconscious yearning for partnership and a need for wholeness and connection. While single hood can be very difficult if you are experiencing loneliness, rejection and painful relationships, it can also be a time of self-discovery and personal growth. The goal of this workshop is to do the internal work on understanding yourself and your relational patterns. By doing so, you will become healthier and more mature emotionally, and you will be better able to recognise and choose a healthier and more emotionally mature partner with whom to have a long-term committed relationship.

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